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Смотреть Видео с канала "Thomas SowellTV"

1. The Controversial History Liberals Wish You'd Forget
2. Politicians Profit During Housing Crisis
3. The Real Influence Of White Liberals On Blacks
4. Western Europe Is Far More Advanced Than Eastern Europe: Who Is Responsible?
5. Reagan Did Absolutely Nothing To Save To The Economy
6. The Remarkable Epoch When German Industriousness Reshaped Paraguay's Destiny
7. Thomas Sowell Explains Why Nations Become Rich After Wars
8. The Writing Is On The Wall: Saudi Arabia’s Collapse Is Imminent
9. Thomas Sowell Educating Kamala Harris On Affordable Housing
10. Why You Should Consider Sending Some Kids Away From School
11. We Have All Been Lied To About Lyndon Johnson
12. The Hidden Pitfalls Of Price Control: Why It Fails To Deliver
13. How White Liberals Enforce Ghetto Life Among Blacks In America
14. Hilary Clinton Is Absolutely Wrong Here Again
15. How Black Elites Destroyed The Best School In America
16. How Genetics Could Explain Height Difference Between American And French People
17. A Silent Ongoing War In The United States And Europe
18. People Who Hate America Are Running America
19. An Honest Assessment Of Why People Enslaved Others
20. How Neil Degrasse Completely Missed The Mark In Science
21. White Liberals Are The Real Enemies Of Blacks In America
22. Malcolm X Was Right About The True Enemies Of Black People In The United States
23. Ending Slavery Almost Seems Like A Bad Idea In Some Places
24. Why Thomas Sowell Succeeded In School
25. Debunking Myths: Slavery Did Not Make Any Country Rich
26. How The Black Culture Affects Black Iq
27. Why The Left Is Promoting Rap Music In Classrooms
28. Thomas Sowell Hits Another Gem On Race And Iq
29. What Things Looked Like When Rome Fell Apart
30. Why Some Women Refuse To Hire Other Women
31. Why American Intellectuals Always Get Their Facts Wrong
32. This Is Why Liberals Never Get Their Facts Correct
33. Why Do Americans Know The Facts And Still Vote For Liars?
34. The Painful Irony Of Accusing Blacks Of "Acting White"
35. Thomas Sowell On How To Deal With Illegal Migrants
36. Why The Iq Test Didn’t Make Sense
37. Thomas Sowell Exposing Hidden Facts On Race And Iq
38. Thomas Sowell On Why America Needs To Protect Its Borders
39. Why Education Today Is Failing Blacks In America
40. The Easiest Way To Solve The Border Issues | Thomas Sowell
41. Why Thomas Sowell Doesn't Think Obama Is A Socialist
42. What Use Is Culture To People Around The World? - Thomas Sowell
43. The Difference Between Serfdom And Slavery
44. Why The Tamils Were Better Than The Sinhalese
45. The Complex History Of Sri Lanka That Let To The Civil War
46. Why Capitalism Failed In The Soviet Union And Succeeded In China
47. How The Moors Enslaved Europeans And Other Africans
48. Democrats Are The Only Reason To Vote For Republicans
49. How Arab Muslims Treated "Christian Slaves"
50. The Untold History Of The Free Blacks In America
51. The Brutality Of The Trans-Sahara Slave Trade
52. How The United States Navy Destroyed The Barbary Pirates
53. Thomas Sowell Warning American Parents On Education
54. Thomas Sowell On The Hypocrisy Of The Democrats
55. Did The Indian Tribes Ever Exist In Harmony?
56. Why Are Blacks Always Hostile Towards Other Blacks?
57. Why Were Indian Tribes Always Fighting Each Other?
58. The Complicated History Of Chinese, Indians, And Malays In Singapore
59. Thomas Sowell On The Stupidity Of Social Justice
60. Thomas Sowell Shared Facts About Income Disparity 40 Years Ago
61. Why Did Lenin Know None Of The People He Was Fighting For?
62. Why Nigeria’s Problems Can Be Traced Back To This History | Thomas Sowelltv
63. How The Government Created The Financial Crisis
64. Why Arabs Could Not Let Go Of Their Slaves
65. How Different Races Practiced Slavery Around The World | Thomas Sowelltv
66. How Things Turn Out When Politicians Come In To Help
67. Here Is What Thomas Sowell Thinks About The Future Of America
68. Thomas Sowell On Why Equality Is A Myth
69. What People Don't Know About America's Healthcare System
70. Why Blacks Have So Much Today And Are Still Poor
71. Why Does The Left Ignore Inequality Existing In Europe?
72. Why Obama's Idea Of Spreading "The Wealth" Around Is Nonsense
73. Why European Civilization Was Superior To That Of The Natives
74. Why Thomas Sowell And Ron Paul Hate The Federal Reserve
75. Why Thomas Sowell Would Abolish The Federal Reserve System
76. Thomas Sowell Sharing Facts On Slavery
77. The History Of The Cherokee People
78. Indian Tribes Were Not Always As Innocent #History
79. The Surprising Truth Behind Why Arabs Still Practiced Slavery | Thomas Sowelltv
80. Exclusive Geography Facts From Thomas Sowell | Thomas Sowelltv
81. What's The Secret Of Black Luxury In Poverty? | Thomas Sowelltv
82. Facts In Geography You Don't Often Hear In Schools
83. Why The Left Is Copying Joseph Goebbels
84. Facts About Civilization You Don't Hear In Schools | Thomas Sowelltv
85. The Truth Behind The Left’s Weakness Towards America’s Enemies
86. The People That Made Obama Always Think High Of Himself
87. The Intricate Story Of European Settlement In North America | Thomas Sowelltv
88. The Role Of Indians In South Africa’s Evolution | Thomas Sowelltv
89. Capitalism’s Influence On The Anti-Apartheid Movement In South Africa
90. The Untold Tragedy Of Germans Under Lenin And Stalin | Thomas Sowelltv
91. Why Are Many Post-Soviet Countries Still Poor? | Thomas Sowelltv
92. How Italian Migration Transformed Australia For The Better
93. Ignoring Iran: A Dangerous Mistake | Thomas Sowelltv
94. Why Indians Developed Kenya And Got Kicked Out
95. Thomas Sowell Agrees With Obama And Bill Clinton On This One Issue
96. The Real Problem Americans Face - According To Barack Obama
97. Why Indians Were Forced To Leave Uganda: The Full Story | Thomas Sowelltv
98. Why Spain Ended Up Poor And Britain Became Rich After Colonization
99. Too Much Money Is Wasted On Students Today
100. How Water Transport Revolutionizes Business Operations
101. Surprising Truths Behind The Rise Of Single Black Parents | Thomas Sowelltv
102. A Worldwide Perspective On Chinese People | Insights Into Chinese Society | Thomas Sowelltv
103. Why People Use Western Standards To Hate The West
104. Thomas Sowell Exposing The Lies Of The Media
105. Why Thomas Sowell Criticizes The Flaws In American Education
106. How Western Intellectuals Prolonged The Soviet Union
107. Slavery Was Not Limited To The West
108. Slaves Were Often Paid In The United States - Here Is Why
109. How The School System Made Students Lazy
110. America's Education Is Worse Than You Think
111. Surprising Facts Behind America's High-Cost Schools
112. Immigration And Big Welfare State Don't Work Together
113. Why America Doesn't Need Mass Immigration Today
114. Why Is It Foolish To Keep Lingering In The Shadows Of Slavery?
115. Thomas Sowell On The Problem With Wealth Redistribution
116. The History Of Jews In Argentina
117. The Fastest Way To Reform Schools In America
118. Faking School Grades Has Ruined The School System | Thomas Sowell
119. Why Do People On The Left Prefer Others To Run Their Lives?
120. How Dropping Textbook Standards Lowered The Education
121. Facts About Slavery That Don't Fit The Prevailing Vision
122. Thomas Sowell's Message For People Stuck In The Past
123. Thomas Sowell Spitting Facts On Education And Employment
124. The Lasting Wounds Inflicted On America - Thomas Sowell
125. How Black Preachers Adopted The Habit Of Tense Delivery
126. This Is Why The Left Always Avoid Responsibility
127. Thomas Sowell On Fixing School Problems
128. Why Overseas Indians Outearn Their Native Counterparts
129. Why Liberals Completely Missed The Mark On Race And Abstraction
130. The Battle Over Marriage Decision In America
131. The Neglected Warnings Of Thomas Sowell And Mary Eberstadt
132. America Is Subsidizing Irresponsible People | Thomas Sowell
133. Why Progressives Flopped And Transformed Into Liberals
134. The Truth About Being Poor In America
135. Why Do The Poor In America Own So Much?
136. Why Germans Are Extremely Misrepresented In History
137. The Consequences Of Russian Conquest In Central Asia
138. How Russia Messed Up Kazakhstan
139. Revealing The Dark Truth Of Soviet Rule In Kazakhstan
140. Keeping Television Away Has Been A Game-Changer For Me
141. Unveiling The Origin Of Laziness In African-Americans
142. The Surprising Reason Liberals Are Attracting These People
143. Why Thomas Sowell's Perspective On Immigration Still Resonates
144. The Surprising Link Between Black Migration And Racial Segregation
145. How African Cities Unlocked Prosperity Near Rivers
146. The Ultimate Way To Turning America's Fate Around
147. The Power Shift: Britain's Economic Surrender To The United States
148. The Uneasy Settling Of Europeans In The Americas
149. Democrats Are Doing This To Our Schools
150. How Scotland Has Produced Great Fighting Men
151. The Forgotten Greatness Of Germans Around The World
152. The Alarming Reality Of America's Weakened Position On The Global Stage
153. The Real Reason African Nations Can Never Mirror Britain's Success
154. The Real Reason Neil Degrasse Behaves That Way
155. Liberal Hypocrisy: What They Don't Tell You About Charity
156. How Britain Effortlessly Kicked Out The French Language
157. The Truth Behind The Fall Of The Chinese Empire
158. Why Elon Musk Is Right About Labor Unions
159. Thomas Sowell's Powerful Advice For Success In The United States
160. Why Some Nations Struggle To Replicate The Success Of British Common Law
161. Why Are People Getting Only One Side Of The Story Of Money?
162. Europe's Astonishing Impact On The Americas
163. Thomas Sowell Reveals The Problem With Everyone Getting A Degree
164. Socialism's Devastating Impact On African Countries
165. How Cultural Leadership Switches Impact Society
166. The Hidden Consequences Of Illegal Immigration | Thomas Sowell
167. Why Europeans Couldn't Trade Much With Africa During Colonization #History #Colonization
168. Why Thomas Sowell Remains Idependent
169. Atrocious Acts In The Aztec
170. Thomas Sowell's Factual Analysis On Immigration
171. Why Serfdom Was Just As Bad As Slavery #History
172. Did Indians Or Whites Ever Consider Members Of Their Own Race?
173. The Surprising Truth Behind The Disunity Among Indians
174. How America Is Creating Brainwashed Intellectuals On A Massive Scale
175. Thomas Sowell's Response To Being Called A Sellout
176. The Problem With The French Revolution - Thomas Sowell
177. Thomas Sowell Warning About Social Degeneracy
178. Thomas Sowell Debunks Myths On Slavery With Facts
179. Thomas Sowell On Dealing With Children
180. Thomas Sowell On The Most Dangerous People In America
181. How Liberal Policies Messed Up Employment For Women And Blacks
182. Liberals Don't Care About Results
183. Why Copy And Paste Strategies Couldn't Rescue The Soviet Union From Ruin
184. Why These Groups Could Never Be Accommodated In Some Places
185. Thomas Sowell's Favorite Book #Author
186. How Clarence Thomas Got Red-Pilled By Thomas Sowell
187. This Is What People Don't Want To Hear About The War
188. Why Thomas Sowell Refused Government Offers
189. Unveiling Obama's Secret Role As Tzar In America
190. The Shocking Truth Behind America's Failing Education System
191. How Israel Can Preserve America's Existence
192. Foreigners Are Forcing Things On Americans
193. Has Israel Learned From The Stupidity Of The West?
194. Why Jews Are Hated In Some Places
195. Why Trading Land For Peace Is Destroying Israel | Thomas Sowell
196. Why The Progressives Missed The Mark On Jews
197. How Germans Reshaped Modern America
198. Why Progressives Were Absolute Wrong About Race And Iq
199. Three Questions That Will Destroy Any Argument With The Left
200. Germans Have A Good Track Record Against Slavery

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