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Смотреть Видео с канала "CodeVault"

1. Introduction To Tree Data Structures In C
2. Codevault Live Stream
3. Why Double The Size Of An Array? (Part 3)
4. Resize Arrays Using A Function (Part 2)
5. How To Resize An Array In C (Part 1)
6. How To Use Realloc In C
7. Convert String To Lowercase In C
8. How To Vertically Align To The Middle In Css
9. Don't Make The Same Mistake I Did!
10. What Are Variadic Functions (Va_List) In C?
11. Measure Execution Time In C (For Linux And Windows)
12. Format And Parse Datetime In C
13. How To Get Current Time And Date In C
14. How To Get Environment Variables In C
15. How To Generate Random Strings From A Set Of Characters In C
16. How To Generate Random Strings In C
17. What Does Fork() Actually Return?
18. Post-Increment Vs Pre-Increment In C (A++ Vs ++A)
19. Global Functions In Multi-File Projects In C
20. Sharing Functions Between Files In C
21. Global Variables In A Multi-File Project In C
22. Declaration Vs. Definition Of Functions In C
23. Declaration Vs. Definition Of A Variable In C
24. How To Find A String In An Array Of Strings In C
25. Reading And Writing A Linked List To A File In C
26. Local Vs Global Variables In C
27. How To Use Scanf With Fgets
28. Progress Bars With Pure Html
29. The Autocomplete Input Nobody Is Using (Html Datalist Tag)
30. Less Known Input Types In Html
31. Form Input Validation In Html
32. The Difference Between Div And Span
33. Calling Fork Multiple Times (Part 2) (With A Practical Example)
34. Why Are Function Pointers Useful?
35. Intro To Recursive Functions In C
36. How Do I Run And Compile My C Code?
37. Visual Studio Code For C/C++ On Linux (2021)
38. Arrays As Function Parameters In C
39. Implementing A Stack In C
40. Implementing A Queue In C
41. What Is Waitpid?
42. Thread Pools With Function Pointers In C
43. Thread Pools In C (Using The Pthread Api)
44. How To Evaluate Multiple Increments In The Same Line? (++A + A++ - ++A)
45. List Files In A Directory (Recursively Too!)
46. Parallelism Vs Concurrency
47. Getting The Value Of A Semaphore
48. Difference Between Binary Semaphores And Mutexes
49. What Are Binary Semaphores?
50. Producer - Consumer Problem In Multi-Threading
51. Practical Example Using Semaphores (Login Queue)
52. Introduction To Semaphores In C
53. Recursive Mutexes
54. Deadlocks In C
55. Static Initializers In The Pthread Api
56. What Are Detached Threads?
57. What Is Pthread_T?
58. Practical Example To Barriers (Pthread_Barrier)
59. Introduction To Barriers (Pthread_Barrier)
60. What Is Pthread_Exit?
61. Practical Example For Pthread_Mutex_Trylock
62. Signaling For Condition Variables (Pthread_Cond_Signal Vs Pthread_Cond_Broadcast)
63. Condition Variables In C
64. Difference Between Trylock And Lock In C
65. Practical Example For Using Threads #1 (Summing Numbers From An Array)
66. How To Pass Arguments To Threads In C
67. Get Return Value From A Thread (Pthread_Join)
68. How To Create Threads In A Loop (Pthread_Create)
69. What Is A Mutex In C? (Pthread_Mutex)
70. What Are Race Conditions?
71. Difference Between Processes And Threads
72. Short Introduction To Threads (Pthreads)
73. Channel Update
74. Read An Array Of Structs In C
75. Working With Multiple Pipes
76. Simulating The Pipe "|" Operator In C
77. How To Send A String Through A Pipe
78. How To Send An Array Through A Pipe
79. Communicating Between Processes Using Signals
80. Compile And Run Code Using Your Android Smartphone (2020)
81. Handling Signals
82. Background And Foreground Processes
83. Stopping And Continuing The Execution Of A Process (Using Sigcont And Sigstop)
84. Short Introduction To Signals In C
85. Why Use Hexadecimal Instead Of Decimal?
86. Dynamically Allocated Multi-Dimensional Arrays In C
87. Executing Programs Vs Executing Scripts In C
88. Redirecting Standard Output In C
89. Getting Exit Status Code In C
90. Executing Commands In C
91. Two Way Communication Between Processes (Using Pipes) In C
92. How To Use Fifo Files To Communicate Between Processes In C
93. Introduction To Fifos (Aka Named Pipes) In C
94. Parsing A Date In Javascript
95. Pointer Assignment Vs Strcpy In C
96. "And"/"Or" Keywords In C
97. Practical Use Case For Fork And Pipe In C
98. Iterating Over Neighbours In A Multi-Dimensional Array In C
99. Communicating Between Processes (Using Pipes) In C
100. Process Ids In C
101. Calling Fork Multiple Times
102. Visualization Of A Fork Call In C
103. Waiting For Processes To Finish (Using The Wait Function) In C
104. The Fork() Function In C
105. Compile And Run C Code Using Visual Studio Code (2021)
106. Multidimensional Arrays In C
107. Reading/Writing Structs To Files (Aka Serialization)
108. Difference Between Macros And Constants In C
109. Generic Data Types In C
110. What Is %N In Printf And Scanf?
111. How To Execute Another Program In C (Using Exec)
112. What Are Double Pointers In C?
113. Short Introduction To Header Files In C
114. Replace Substrings In C
115. Concatenating Strings In C
116. What Is Size_T In C?
117. Strpbrk And Strspn In C
118. Format Strings In C
119. How To Parse And Validate A Number In C
120. Good Practice For Freeing Memory In C
121. Date Time Formatting In Javascript
122. Random Floating Point Numbers In C
123. Random Numbers In An Interval In C
124. More Details About The Switch Statement In C
125. The Switch Statement In C
126. Parsing A String Of Numbers In C
127. How To Convert Strings To Numbers In C
128. What Are Command Line Arguments (Argc And Argv)?
129. Why Typescript?
130. How To Add All Digits Of A Number In C
131. The 'New' Operator In Javascript
132. Creating Classes In Ecmascript 5
133. How To Get Dom Elements In Javascript
134. The 'This' Keyword In Javascript
135. The Conditional Operator (Or Ternary Operator) In C
136. Practical Uses Of Bitwise Operations - Implementing A Flag System
137. Bitwise Operators In C
138. Compile And Run C Code Using Notepad++ (2021)
139. Removing A File In C
140. Renaming A File In C
141. The Puts Function In C
142. Vulnerabilities Of The Gets Function In C
143. What Is The Ungetc Function?
144. Putc, Putch And Putchar In C
145. Getc, Getch, Getche And Getchar In C
146. Finding A Node In A Doubly Linked List
147. Removing A Node From Doubly Linked Lists
148. Reversing A Doubly Linked List
149. Detecting Memory Leaks In Visual Studio
150. Add After A Node In A Doubly Linked List
151. Add To The End Of A Doubly Linked List
152. Deallocating A Doubly Linked List
153. Iterating Over Doubly Linked Lists
154. Add To The Beginning Of A Doubly Linked List
155. How To Find A Word Inside A Sentence In C
156. Number Formatting In Javascript
157. Optional Chaining In Javascript
158. Short Introduction To Doubly Linked Lists
159. Nullish Coalescing Operator In Javascript
160. Reversing A Linked List
161. Finding Loops/Cycles In A Linked List
162. Counting Number Of Elements (Iteratively And Recursively) In A Linked List
163. Numeric Separators (_) In Javascript
164. Bigint In Javascript
165. Removing An Element From A Linked List
166. Sorted Linked List
167. Add After An Element In A Linked List
168. Const Modifier In C
169. Adding At The Beginning Of A Linked List
170. Deallocating A Linked List
171. Adding Elements To A Linked List
172. Iterating Over A Linked List In C
173. Short Introduction To Linked Lists In C
174. A Quirk About The Sizeof Operator
175. Infinite Loop Through Integer Overflow
176. Integer Overflow And Underflow Explained
177. How To Use Fseek In C
178. Differences Between Binary And Text Files In C
179. Improvements To Reading And Writing To Text Files In C
180. Reading From Binary Files In C
181. Writing To Binary Files In C
182. Reading From Text Files In C
183. Writing To Text Files In C
184. When To Free Memory In C
185. Dereferencing In C
186. Introduction To Enumerations In C
187. Details About The Main Function
188. Difference Between Memmove And Memcpy
189. The Offsetof Macro In C
190. The Sizeof Operator In C
191. The Bit Shift Operators In C
192. Finding A Character Inside A String In C
193. The Address Of An Array In C (In-Depth)
194. How To Parse A String In C (Sscanf)
195. The Address Of An Array In C
196. Reversing All The Bits In An Integer
197. How To Print In Binary
198. How To Split Strings In Javascript
199. Unicode Conversions In Javascript
200. Memory Leaks And How To Prevent Them

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